Our Vision & Mission

The evolution of Satkhira Unnayan Sangstha (SUS) is from “Gata” in the year of 1982. Gata is a traditional rural system of working together in rotation basis to meet the individual’s needs in the farmland for better labor strength and outputs. The development unit SUS is a non-government, non-profitable voluntary development organization established in 1982 and acquired registration from Social Welfare in the year of 1985 but got its structure in 1989 envisaging mitigating the multidimensional sufferings of less fortunate, have marginalized & distressed people with an emphasis on women and to help setting up a society flourished with happiness & justice though village level institution building. By 1990 SUS was able to receive first fund from NGO-Forum Bangladesh for safe drinking water supply and sanitation program.
After being registered with NGO Affairs Bureau in the year of 1991, SUS received first foreign fund from APHD for awareness raising and education program. By the same year it received fund from PKSF for income generating activities and employment creation of the rural poor. In 1993 SUS developed partnership with CARE-Bangladesh for child education in Tala Upazila under Satkhira district and Paikgancha Upazila under Khulna district as Well as with DNFE for non-formal education in Tala Upazila under Satkhira district. From that time education as a continuous program SUS covered more than 8 different districts in Bangladesh. In the year of 1994 SUS established partnership with MISEREOR-Germany for community health program and started activities in Tala Upazila and continuing till 2014. By the year 2000 SUS has developed partnership with SF-Norway, ELA-Care Bangladesh, CIDA, OXFAM, Forest Department, World Bank, DFID, EU and BSAF for different socio-economic development activities in Southwest Bangladesh. Lastly another project with the partnership of RVCC Care-Bangladesh started in the year of 2003. Not only that, SUS also expected to extend its activities in more areas in Bangladesh in order to accomplish different objectives.
SUS has reviewed and finalized its Long Range Strategic Plan (LRSP) for the period 2018-2025.The directions are, Education, Health, Climate change and Environment, Gender Equity & Equality, Employment generation & Micro financing
Our Vision
Poverty free just society.
Our Mission
To promote well being of marginalized and disadvantaged community people (children, youth, women, and man through holistic development approach.
- SUS believe in intrinsic dignity and equality of each person regardless of their gender, age, religion or political orientation, and value potentials and contribution of program participants, donors, partners and staff in our
- SUS constantly endeavor to be responsive and innovative in addressing needs of the beneficiaries and professionals in program implementation for satisfaction of the
- SUS recognize the importance of protecting environment, strive to be good stewards of the resources entrusted to us and try to be efficient in managing those
- SUS value and respect organization’s employees’ unique qualities, abilities, work in team for successful program implementation and persistently learn from each other (program participants, donors, partners and others) in our
- SUS remain faithful to organizational vision, mission, values, honest, transparent in our deeds, words and fairly deal with all the
- Improving capacity development of the community people on natural resource and eco-system management, and bio-diversity conservation;
- Enhancing environment friendly income generating activities for promotion of sustainable livelihood and food security;
- Increasing capacity of the targeted people on disaster risk reduction, emergency response, climate change adaptation and disaster resilience;
- Ensuring access to microfinance services for the marginalized community people for their socio-economic development;
- Promoting gender equity, adolescent development and realization of child rights;
- Enhancing quality education of the disadvantage and marginalized children and support to increase their completion rate;
- Supporting to improve capacities of the targeted people for nutrition (specially children), preventive and curative medical care for healthy living;
- Promoting diverse income generation opportunities for the targeted people including assistance to value chain for better market access of the producers
- Enhancing access to safe water, sanitation and personal hygiene services and practice for the underprivileged people.